The management team at Vivisol, recognise that continued success and growth of the company can only be sustained by continually improving the way patient expectations and needs are translated into excellent levels of service.
Our quality system covers all relevant functions and operational activities, to ensure that the services and products provided comply with contractual obligations, and also to maintain our accreditation with and compliance to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 27001.
Vivisol is certified to the following standards by the independent certification body DNV:
The following objectives are considered key to achieving company goals:
Data security
Vivisol requires that information important to its function, official resources and classified equipment is adequately safeguarded to protect the company, its customers (both National Health Authorities and patients), suppliers and employees interests and privacy.
Vivisol is also IG SoC (Information Governance Statement of Compliance) certified.
Environmental management
We recognise that our business, although not directly harmful to the environment, encompasses activities which if factored up to an industry wide scale could have a detrimental effect on the immediate, local and global environment.
By adopting a ‘green’ approach where practicable and possible, we can assist in reducing the harmful effects of such activities and in time, reverse undesirable effects.
Vivisol is fully committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for its employees and anyone else involved in its work activities, and will take all reasonably practical steps to provide and maintain safe systems of work throughout all of its undertakings.
Vivisol considers that health and safety should be an integral component of all management systems and that meaningful communication and co-operation between management and employees is essential for the achievement of the highest standards in health and safety at work. We firmly believe that a progressive improvement in health and safety standards can only be achieved through constant development, implementation and review of health and safety policies and procedures.
Registered Office Address:
Dolby Medical Home
Respiratory Care Ltd
North Suite, Lomond Court,
Castle Business Park, Stirling,
Registered in Scotland
No. 063902
Home oxygen enquiries: 0800 833 531
Respiratory support: 0800 121 4012
Gatwick Office Address
Palladian, Manor Court,
Manor Royal, Crawley,
RH10 9PY
Home oxygen enquiries: 0800 917 9840
Respiratory support: 0800 121 4012
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To find out more about The Vivisol Group and The SOL Group click on the links here: The VIVISOL Group | The SOL Group